Consumer’s Reader: Data Protection

We share personal information online every day. Well-meaning and ill-intentioned traders try to take advantage of it. How to protect yourself from the second type?

In the section "Consumer’s Reader" we offer you several educational videos dedicated to informed consumer choice. This time the material is about Data Protection.

Data protection is about making sure that consumers are in control of how organisations treat their data. The video aims to empower citizens to become better informed consumers and to protect their data.

Tip and tricks on how to protect your data:

  • Think twice before shopping, and consider shopping second-hand. Do not buy a new smart phone when your current one is still functioning.
  • Make sure your purchases have environmental benefits. For example, check if they have the EU Ecolabel.
  • Check sustainability labels in general. Knowing how to read them or what they mean protects you from incorrect claims on the product packs.
  • Cycle, walk or take public transport instead of going by car or plane. 2021 is the European Year of Rail!
  • Ensure less waste. When you throw away food, you are wasting natural resources and money. Consider repairing a broken product instead of buying a new one.


Educational video on Data Protection produced on behalf of the European Commission (Directorate General for Justice and Consumers).

Click on the image to watch the video. You can select English subtitles. If you want to see the video with English Audio, follow the link.

Protect your data.

Your future. Your choice.

Find out more about how to protect your data on

Published on 25.11.2021 Back to news