Did you know that if we used our electronic devices one year more, we would reduce carbon emissions by 4 million tons a year, which is equivalent to the pollution of 2 million cars from the roads.
In the section "Consumer’s Reader" we offer you several educational videos dedicated to informed consumer choice. This time the material is for Sustainable Consumption.
Every day we make choices in our lives that affect the environment. The video aims to empower consumers to become better informed and and to consume sustainably.
Tip and tricks on how to consume sustainably:
Educational video on Sustainable Consumption produced on behalf of the European Commission (Directorate General for Justice and Consumers).
Click on the image to start the video. Watching time: 1:02 min. English subtitles available. If you wish to see the video with English audio follow the link.
Consume Sustainably.
Your future. Your choice.
#EUGreenDeal / #EU4Consumers
Find out more about how to consume sustainably on ec.europa.eu/info/consumer-resources