Consumer's Reader: What to check before buying online?

Surely it has happened to you while browsing Instagram to see posts of online stores, with super nice clothes, shoes, cool technical gadgets, etc.

You click to see what else the store offers and you are speechless about what interesting things are sold there and at an affordable price. You hurry to order and then the shipment does not arrive at all. The same can happen when a person buys directly on a social network or platform where anonymous people cheat buyers.

Unfortunately, in such a situation, even an ADR center like NAIS cannot help. For purchases from illegitimate online stores or from random people on Facebook or Instagram, neither the CPC can help and make an inspection, nor can NAIS resolve a dispute for the simple reason that the trader is unknown.

That's why we want to share some tips on what to check before buying online.

First of all, do not buy from individuals on social networks and intermediary platforms without researching the seller's rating. Try to have a large number of reviews and a relatively high rating.

If the seller is an individual, be aware that this carries a risk. It is advisable to make a personal acceptance of the goods to be able to cancel the deal in case something is wrong.

If you're planning to shop from a new online store, check out a few things:

  1. Is there a privacy policy - it usually says the exact name of the company and the ID number. Check the company in the commercial register if it is real. The policy is usually in the footer of the site, this is the bottom area, often in a darker color.
  2. See if there are any general terms posted on the site. Usually can be found in the footer.

If only the domain or web address appears in the privacy policy and in the general conditions, it means that the company is hiding crucial information.

  1. Check in the general conditions if there is a link to the CPC and a link to the European Dispute Resolution Platform - ODR, which could be in the footer of the site.
  2. Look in the text for information about whether the trader is an associated member of NAIS and whether there is a link to our site If he claims to be a member of NAIS, but does not appear in the list of associate members of NAIS website, then he is illegally using our brand, which is associated with loyalty to consumers. We will be give a signal to us in such cases.
  3. Search for address, e-mail address and telephone number for contact of the company. Having a contact form alone is not enough. The merchant is obliged to indicate a telephone number and e-mail address on his website.
  4. Check the return policy, the right to warranties and claims, the terms for goods return, exchange and of course the delivery time. If such rights are not provided, then something is wrong.
  5. Check whether the general terms and conditions state that you have the right to cancel a purchase within 14 days, how to return the product, as well as the refund period. If this right of yours as a consumer is not mentioned, do not trust this merchant. In the general case, the consumer bears the cost of returning the goods.
  6. All texts must be in the language of your country of residence.
  7. The delivery price must be indicated separately from the price of the product, as well as the method of payment.

If all these details are available, then the company has complied with the requirements of the law and you can safely proceed with the purchase.

If at least one of these points is not met, it is better to look for another provider. The availability of too low prices, compared to other online stores, is also a reason to make a thorough check of the site and the merchant before embarking on cheap shopping.

If you are a Bulgarian consumer you come across a Bulgarian trader with a transaction with which things did not go as expected, you can file a complaint and try to get along with him through direct negotiations or with the help of a mediator in the online platform of NAIS. You can submit the complaint to If you are EU citizen, you can file your complaint also on the ODR platform of EU.

If you are a Bulgarian retailer and you have a dispute over a deal with your client, register with us and resolve it quickly, conveniently and entirely online, directly with the client or with the help of our specialist mediator.

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Published on 20.09.2021 Back to news