In Part 1 of this post, we clarified what Customer Journey is and where the ADR is as a point of touch. We also clarified what post-purchase dissonance is and that it can cause the customer's journey to be interrupted so that he stops buying more from a trader.
We will now clarify what factors it depends on and how it affects the customer before making a purchase decision.
Post-purchase dissonance depends on several factors:
The reason for the emergence of post-purchase dissonance is related to the fact that once the decision to purchase is taken, the customer is deprived of a choice of other attractive alternatives, which he gave up in favor of a particular product and retailer.
As the consumer instinctively seeks to avoid experiencing such post-purchase dissonance, he prepares for the purchase in advance, but at the same time experiences negative emotions because he has to give up various alternatives in favor of one. The more attractive alternatives he rejects, the more negative the emotions of the decision. This, in turn, slows down the decision over time. For this, the company must use all sorts of techniques to reduce these negative emotions.
One way is to inform the user in the clearest and most transparent way possible that he or she cannot meet his or her expectations, that he or she will accept his or her complaint, indicate how to do it, the format, the channel. The easier this procedure is, the more trust the customer will have in the company during this preparatory stage of the purchase. In the process for finding solutions to a possible problem, there is special spot for the alternative dispute resolution (ADR) by an independent impartial body, which facilitates the negotiations between the parties and also smoothens the relations between them.
Dealing with complaints is a difficult process, so we recommend the series of publications in the section Handbook for Trade Leaders - ARE CUSTOMER COMPLAINTS A GOOD THING AND HOW MUCH DOES AN UNDERRATED COMPLAINT COST - PART 1, Part 2 and Part 3.
NAIS advises traders to join organizations such as NAIS, to use the services of ADR centers, as well as to inform their customers about this in the information on their websites in order to build trust in themselves at the stage of making a purchase decision.
Also read the publication from the Trader Leader’s Guide, ADR in the Customer Experience section.
Also read the publication from the Handbook for Leaders, ADR in the Customer Experience section. Follow the next publications from this series, dedicated to the best practices in dealing with complaints, from the section "Trade Leaders' Guide" on the NEWS page of, as well as in the profiles of NAIS on LinkedIn and Facebook. In the next publication we will look at the problems related to technical systems, process management and the delegation of rights and responsibilities, or in short, problems related to the internal organization.
“Consumer Behavior. Building Marketing Strategies.”, 11th edition, Del I. Hawkins, University of Oregon, David L. Mothersbaugh, University of Alabama