Trade Leaders’ Guide: Why is it good for B2C online traders to register on the EU ODR platform and how to do it?

There are many reasons for a trader to register on the EU ODR platform. We remind you that it enables B2C online traders to work on their customers’ complaints by the means of alternative dispute resolution - ADR.

The first reason is that all companies engaged in e-commerce with end customers are obliged by law to put a link to the address on their website, in a visible place, to advise their users that they can file complaints in it.

The second is that if a consumer files a complaint against a trader, he/she will still get a registration because the consumer will do it, but the trader will not be prepared to respond to the complaint as if he had self-consciously registered. Not to mention that an error may occur when entering his data by a third party. With a profile already created by himself, the trader can more easily manage and organize the process of received complaints.

Thirdly, we have to mention that the ODR platform allows a trader to file a complaint against a consumer. How and in which cases this is possible you can see in the publication ODR  platform and the options it gives to traders.

In fact, the registration itself is very easy and fast, both in Bulgarian and in any of the languages ​​of the EU member states. This can be done from the platform registration screen. You need to enter your  name and surname as a user. It is good if this is the person is the one that will mainly operate in the ODR platform - a lawyer, head of the Customer Service department, etc. Enter a company email address and select the language in which the platform will be primarily used.

You will receive a confirmation email with a link from which you can continue and in the screen that opens, select the CREATE NEW ORGANIZATION button.

In the next screen, fill in more data about the company - address, website, official email address, etc. The CREATE ORGANIZATION button completes the process.

Follow the next publications from this series, dedicated to the best practices in dealing with complaints, from the section "Trade Leaders' Guide" on the NEWS page of, as well as in the profiles of NAIS on LinkedIn and Facebook. In the next publication we will look at the problems related to technical systems, process management and the delegation of rights and responsibilities, or in short, problems related to the internal organization.


Published on 08.08.2022 Back to news